If its Going to, it probably will

Where to start, what to say… People say that the time people post most on here is when their not really happy – kinda trying to express themselves in some way – I generally post when I’m happy and with only a few posts so far thats not looking too great for my attitude in life much.

Anyhow today has felt like “If something can go wrong, it probably will go wrong unless you really expect it to go wrong then it may go right instead” – kinda odd to explain.

From the mobile phone being catapulted across the room and unable to turn off the ever increasing alarm, to the car not starting and people insisting on busy roads to do less than 30 in a 60 zone and people cutting in on roads – its just been a hectic day.

I keep missing everyone online, either they are going for dinner or bed [ok, after midnight but it is a weekend now] and instead of chatting I’m posting on Live Journal. Whatever I tried to do and expected to work has just gone wrong and other stuff that I expected to go wrong didn’t so and seemed to throw me off too so very little work done today besides trying to sort stuff.

I got my Wii back from a friend that borrowed it – pitty all the games are still round his place, Its half here now – its got to be a start.

I’m glad the day is now over and sleep is kinda calling. I’m hoping the weekend will be more fruitful and very enjoyable.

No idea what to do yet – kinda thinking about going to a park and just kinda chilling and feeling life around me… What to do… I don’t know.. Any ideas?