My Faith is important to me as its what defines who I am and what I do.
I get involved in different Christian events happening in and around the area including IXth Hour, Harvest, Just 10 and NE1. I attend church but not every week.
I find the world of Christianity a hard place to be while at the same time can be the happiest place I exist.
The thought that Christ dies for my sins so that I may meet with God on an anytime basis is a great thought and truth. I want to be able to go out and talk and be free to talk to anyone I want about it without the thought of rejection… I mean I feel I’m only trying to help people find the amazing truth I know.
If you have a game, a toy, a programme, a friend, an event that made you truely happy you don’t keep it to yourself, You want your friends to enjoy it too – whats the difference here? The only difference is that this truth can give them eternal life, and a joy exceeding any life long other thing that is on offer.
When I talk about it, a joy fills me – that I want to tell more and more people. I don’t know where to start or how. I don’t like rejection but does anyone? How can we help others without taking the risk? Doesn’t risk bring excitement and help you really realise life.
This is what I believe in and how I’ve got there over the past 19 years or so. Read it, comment on it, and Think about it.