
I read about these a while back and got some in. They are meant to be good for giving energy, and high in anti-oxidents and high in vitamins. They taste like raisens mixed with cranberry, and look like a bright red dried raison.

When I first tried them I didn’t really like them but then mixed them in smoothies and they added a different flavour. Recently I started trying them on their own and really like them and often have them as a snack food now – they are very low in fat and the wierd taste is nice but something to get used too.

I don’t know if I believe the idea that they are excellent for you and althou many supermarkets are now stocking them I believe that IF they were always such an excellent source for all these vitamins etc they would have been shipped many years ago like bananas, apples and oranges.

All in all, I quite like them. They taste even odder if soaked in water for 20 minutes – they become kinda oval shaped and apparently are good in curries – i’ve not tried it – I didn’t like them absorbed in water. Ever thought of putting raisons in water… before writting this I had not… maybe something to try – to see what happens.

One thought on “GoJi

  1. “I believe that IF they were always such an excellent source for all these vitamins etc they would have been shipped many years ago like bananas, apples and oranges.”

    Not necessarily; some times there are foodstuffs which are ignored or not mass produced because they do not get the necessary permissions to. For example, Miracle Fruit. The name sounds ridiculous, and on that alone most would scoff at it.

    However; a person tried to get them verified as an alternative to sweetener, but the FDA prevented them. Stating that testing had to be done, etc. It fell through; and now they have a gradual insurgence as people realise they are real, and that they do in fact work. So it may be the case for goji berries, particularly as now everyone is looking for the ‘next big healthy’ foodstuff.

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