OK, its been a while for me to write, and the last month or so has made a lot of difference in me. I feel i’m on a journey – one thats not finishing anytime soon but the scenary is quite awesome showing paths in so many directions… I just need to stop every so often and take a look around to see where these things lead.
So many paths, and which one to take.
I am currently in a cosy place in life – I have 2 jobs that I can do quite well, and earn about enough to just about cover my lifes expenses. I have a home and many friends from all over the country now. I am not truelly happy in life but content in general.
I find it funny, the idea that we all have different passions in life. Work is not one for me. I work so that I can live, not live so that I can work as many people do. I’ve always worked in IT as its something i’ve been able to do but not something i’ve always liked to be doing.
At the moment, I am aware of many paths in life. I can not see them, but aware they are there. Its quite confusing, but faith tells me that it’ll all be OK in the end… It may be bumpy but we’ll get there somehow – probably not the way I expect… but at the moment I don’t expect anything.
I am going to try over the next week or so talk about the last few weeks in my life, and some of the questions I’ve asked and am asking myself. Maybe others have input too – maybe not. But life does look like a curve ball is coming – I wonder if i’ll see it in time.
Get on with it. 😛