For the past few days or so I’ve had some time away with a friend in London and enjoyed it although feels there is not much to do. I do miss things such as a DVD player and choice on TV to watch things. There is freeview here and well sometimes there is good things to watch often not. We have been getting back to the flat around 11pm til about 1am as there is nothing really to do when we get back.
Were spending around a week down here in London and so far visted the natural history museum, of which we plan to go back, ate at different places, met with friends and hope to meet with more and later on going out to spend new years eve in London. Its something I always fancied trying and never actually doing it. It will be busy and I hope we get something to eat at some point.
Most of the day has been chilling out, and not really doing anything in particular. I’m feeling the best I have all week. Since boxing day last week I’ve been full of cold and slowly been getting over it. Will be nice to be over it for the new year.
The pace has changed, at home I’ve always something I can be doing – here not so much. Its either travelling to and from places or walking all over the place. Lots to see and enjoy but at the end of it all I do wonder what to do. While I came to London on my own it wasn’t an issue – I would just go online and talk to others as if at home but with others here too its not quite as simple to do so. I also like the ability to get away from everyone else and just be on my own if only for an hour.
Today feels relaxed but lacking at the same time. I feel I should constantly be doing something – to use the time, and not waste it but I don’t have anything I need to get done while I am away so I stop and write and this feels good. I could be doing this at home, but its still something I want to do so it is done now.
What will the new year bring in… Hopefully lots of fun, joy and excitement mixed with friendships and more happyness.