Always busy but happy

Its always going to be a while between updates now a days on here. I am a lot more busier that I ever used to be. As mentioned in a previous post, I’m now a student again and this time I’m working through all I’m given to get the best possible result I can – this however is taking a lot of time. I think more time on studies than first time round, and that was full time.

We have been given an In Course Assignment (ICA) about Contract Law, its due in during the next week and I’ve found it hard. I’ve got my points of view, and even lots of references to show where I got to my point of view but how to write it, thats the bit I’m struggling with. I’ve written reports for years but not really essays then I thought about this… is this a style of essay, if not best grammer and all but the ability to write and try to communicate my views to the reader. I must be doing something right, as people still seem to read this when I put it out.

I’ve found myself having more time for study than I thought I could manage, and I’m feeling like I’m not getting through all the reading but what I have read seems relevent most of the time, and can recall the points made in class. Mixing a few thoughts on paper with the references to reading had helped with the assignment points and hope it will help when it comes to revision times next may.

Many evenings after work, I can be found in the Library at university, somewhere with large desks that I can lay out lots of books and read through and have room to move. I don’t really have the space at home – there is tables, and desks but then there is not peace and lack of distraction. I didn’t think I’d enjoy just sitting in a library, reading and writing – I think that I’m doing something right.

I thought I would never attempt Law study – “its hard”, “there is lots of reading”, “You will have no free time” is what some people have said to me. They missed the part out about how enjoyable, and challenging it would be, the many new friends I would make and how happy it could make me feel. I never considered myself “smart” enough to do this or many things in life. I’ve always struggled with lots of things except IT stuff – that just sort of made sense but in general, I’ve had to work hard at anything that has given me a great joy.

My general weeks now consist of days of work between 2 or more jobs, lots of study time, university, some trampolining, and this past week I’ve started ice skating lessons – just the very basics. Its something I’ve wanted to do for years and I bought some hockey ice skates a few years ago and used them once. I found through reading online that there was some free classes for adults for people in Stockton on Tees so I signed up. I can’t stop yet, but can get some speed up forwards and backwards – if I want to or not.

I hope to continue my trampolining, return to dancing, get better at ice skating – I just want to know enough I can enjoy time out with friends without falling over so much. I also want the Law degree, although thats 4 to 5 years away as well as a happy life. The last part seems to be going well at the moment.

The only thing that is really lacking is time to eat properly. I am still having meals but its more sandwiches or quick fixes and I enjoy my food. I enjoy mixing raw ingredients together into a mixed stir fry or some thing more. I am missing the fresher foods and its one thing I need to re-manage when I find time to do so… Weekends seem a good time for fresh mixes of food, but it should be every day shame I’m often out 15 hours at a time some days.