Thank you, and I hope it continues…

I have been amazed at the positive reaction I have had from people to my last post asking for help and I hope lots more of you also Get in contact too.

Many people I’ve not heard from in a long time have asked what they can do to help and so now I am working on re-finding out what people do, their skills and what could be possible. I’ve known many of these people for years and some new ones but more known them from working on a set project so don’t know their full work lives or what they studied so that is my next port of call.

Thank you to all that have submitted your support, it is great to know that I am not alone in this idea. If you feel you could help, please Get in contact and we could organise a meet up to talk in more detail.

Can anyone advise on…

  • Social media management on how to spread the idea (and promote when setup)
  • How to use linkedIN to get support
  • What you think my next steps should be?
  • Legal setup of an organisation/charity

Thank you for reading, I’ll update when I have something more to update you on.

Until next time… 🙂