My thought as of 4am on the 10th January 2001

I do not actually know if these make any sense to whom ever reads this but I type away and see what happens.

A lot seems to have happened over the past few days and maybe it hasn’t but everthing is starting to get sooo confusing – i dno why? I tried talking to friends but they seem not to be available and even if they were i’m sure i wouldn’t know what ot say.

Friends are now trusting me to talk to me with their problems – i like this ‘cos it allows me to get away from my life and dissappear into theirs for a little while. That one of the many reasons why I like talking to friends in America – they have a great way of de-stressing me just by talking to me – i dno why – but I manage to sleep so well after she has spoken to me.

Some of my friends are getting on my nerves hovever my closet friend isn’t which is great. I don’t know what i’m truely thinking when i type i guess this is it ‘cos i’m just typing exactly what i’m thinking and that means i can get things out of my system and try to help me to relax.

I’ve got so much to do and yet so little or so much time to do it. A lot of it i do not want to do, i mean i really dis-like university but believe God has put me there for a reason, A reason I do not actually know as yet. However I feel I have come so much closer to God while here at university. I doubt I would be doing half the stuff I do now with God Stuff as if I had never come to university.

Wow the time is only 4:11am and I feel i have so much more to say. I’m listening to a song by Meja called ‘pop a television’ and the way the sound goes it is so relaxing and so bouncy and yet so good. I do not know why there is so much rythm.

At university I have been to christian camps and joined in with the Christian Union – what am I saying i’m part of the CU committee – what I say actually makes a difference – i think that is so great that i can makes a difference it what is done in the cu. I mean when i first joined i never felt a part of it and now i feel that everyone is important and that everyone can make a difference and really make and impact in what they do. The CU has only got between 30 and 50 members in total but the passion for Jesus is growing and even if the numbers arn’t people are still having a passiong breaking oipertunity.

I hate doing my studies – i find them so boring and yet i guess it should be so exciting but i don’t find any part of my work exciting except that I get to spend time living with other christians.