SUN, Sun, sun – Lovely weather

I was meant to be abseiling today, the event is cancelled until further notice. I’d raised £79 online (through friends sponsoring me – Thanks guys) and its already paid to the charity automatically online which seems to have missed part of the point.

Anyhow maybe it will go ahead someday. Tis annoying when you put money up for events that fall through.

in the park

Gorgeous day, lovely sun – a little breeze. I decided to go on the bike for a bit – after about 20 mins felt out of breath. So unfit – really need to sort that. I looked over – I was close to the park so rode over and chilled for a bit.

Deep blue sky, bright green trees, lots of kids, animal, adults and bikes including me. People lazing in the warmth of the sun taking time out.

Its good to sit back, read & relax and watch the world some days – Like the animals & kids falling in the fountain. Entertainment all around us.

Glad I brought the sun cream out, its quite warm out when sitting/laying about.

All in all, was out about 2 and a half hours, enjoying the weather on the bike and headed home and had a mini BBQ – Delicious.

The BBQ Plan

I have many plans at home, how i’d like to have my garden area laid out at the front and the back. At the back I have a yard and a garage. I have what used to be an ivy plant now stump at the back of the garage. I’d like to eventually get rid of it and setup a BBQ there.

I’d like to setup a stone/brick one and looked into it. I’ve found places where you can get the parts and think it will cost around £80 for supplies and an afternoon (or few) and a lot of patience to make it.

It would be nice, althou I don’t really do BBQs to have one – not entirely sure if its safe thou to be so close to the back of the house and on the garage but will look into it more before trying it – I think it’s fine but better sure than boom!

Would be nice though.. Seen the grills have enamal on them so they don’t rust.

Some links if your interested:

Bricks & cement/sand would also be needed. Just an idea 🙂

Bank Holiday weekend start

I sit here at home, writting up on here thinking of what a nice weekend this is. Its very peaceful or so it feels. Apparently we are having heavy rain all weekend but so far its just been a little cloudy but warm.

I’ve got a lot done already – things I thought may take all weekend such as clearing some of the garden but with the rain over the last few days things just came out quick which was nice.

I woke up early for a saturday, just after 9am so not a lazing day too much – maybe because I’m looking after the kittens and know they need to be fed and set free in the house – maybe I just rested well… Either way I was up and got everything sorted before 1pm.

Its been a calm day apart from kittens pestering for constant attention or attacking each other and their reflections.

Now its just after 9pm and I’m wondering what to do. Everyone is out or busy already, I’ve tried TV, Games, music & Dance, and now internet. Finding something to do that doesn’t cost cash seems difficult so its back to music and internet, or music and writing this.

Hope you’ve read the spring harvest parts, I’ve got more to write but still haven’t worked out how to put it into words – it’ll come in time. I had an amazing time there and met loads of people I hope that I will get to know better, anyhow for now… if you see me online say “hi” 🙂 Thanks

I’ve friends hopefully coming sunday night, staying monday or so and look forward to seeing them again. Its been a while, but it doesn’t seem to matter how long its been – we always enjoy the company and seeing each other.

What to do… Wonder if I have a BBQ…