Happy Easter

I decided to go to a church I’d never been to before and it was quite a small church – only about 40 people total and there was 24 children. It was a small community made church with everyone from the direct area – some had moved there, some had been there all their life.

The service was based on John 20: 1 to 18 – Easter – Jesus disappearing from the grave and Mary looking for him and how we often look for Jesus the same way everytime as because its not exactly like it was before – we just miss it, not expecting to find something different. But things are always changing around us, and we grow with the times.

The first half of the service was for the kids, a quiz on easter with chocolate prizes – many of the questions I had no idea what the true answer was so they did well in my opinion.

Now heading down to Milton Keynes to see a friend from LPO – Been friends a couple of years but living oposite parts of UK does seem to stop visits in real person. I’m looking forward to it and should see her soon – should be a good time.

Another time to relax and chat… assuming I find my way to her house.

Have a Great Easter. I like the saying “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” and also the following video someone sent me on Facebook.

Good Friday

It is a time to remember the sacrifice that Christ laid out for us. Trading himself for our sins. A good day for us all.

I know today I’ve had a good day this Good friday, I was reminded by the cause of the day but in general its been a good day. I spent most of it out in the sun enjoying the heat – got up to around 26’C outside – it was lovely. Glad I brought my sun cream with me, I felt like I was cooking in a nice way.

I spent most of the afternoon reading, I don’t often read books – not for pleasure – usually to find something out, so solve a problem, not just stop, relax and read but thats what i’ve been up to. The book is around 200 pages, and I’ve passed the half way mark today. I’m a slow reader usually so its a real success for me.

I went to see some films later. I went alone, I had no one around that I could go with and went to see a film I’d wanted to see but hadn’t seen. I found a strange thing happen.

While there waiting for the film to commence and people to get seated, I talked with people – No idea who they were and it felt fine doing so. Chatting about litterally anything and it was good. I find this strange as when with people I know, the confidence seems to seep away yet go somewhere I know no-one and suddenly I can talk to anyone about anything. I need to switch that around a little but to know that I can do it sometimes means its something I should be able to do whenever.

So anyhow, Please remember Good Friday for what it is. A memory of change for us all. Christ Jesus dying on a cross to save us from sin and in a couple of days – we remember He rises again on Easter.

Time Out

I’m having a little time out from normal life this month. A time of reflection and meeting with friends I’ve not seen in almost if not years.

I’ve been to Skegness for Spring Harvest stewarding and really enjoyed that – I think it has been the best year on team so far. Now I am in Northampton for the rest of the month.

The plan was to meet different friends I’ve not seen in ages, and was organised for most of this week. So far, none. I have found it odd and somewhat annoying that many have said that they would love for me to come down, but now that I am – they don’t have any free time. I let people know months in advance and it was all the “yeah, that will be great attitude” but so far it seems it was all talk. I have confirmed with several to meet next week from Sunday.

So first few days down here have been to explore and get lost successfully. The house I’m staying in has 3 other people here, all really friendly. I am staying in a rented room for a month. It worked out cheaper than trying to get a hotel for the time and there is a lot more freedom here. Plus I can do my washing so dont need to go elsewhere for it.

A home away from home. Last night I went to trampolining in Northampton, a time to wind down and relax. They made the adults class do warm up – something that is rarely done in the adults class up north although advised to do. It was a good little warm up – less than we make kids do but still energetic enough – think i’ll suggest it when I get back.

The days are hot here, well they feel hot. Apparently been around 20 to 24’C in past few days and today. Bright sunshine, lazing in a back garden in the sun reading a book. Can’t use laptop as normal – too bright but so relaxing – I could come back with a tan…. Probably not though.

Break Away – Easter Time

This coming week is the easter weekend.. A few days off work and a celebration of a death to life transformation.

I am unlikely to be updating these pages for the next week as will be away to Spring Harvest to help with stewarding and don’t think i’ll have an internet connection.

IF I get a connection, then I’ll try and update the site with what is happening and what i’m up too.

I think its going to be a fun time, but a lot of hard work and energy used up. I’m really looking forward to it and hoping I have packed everything I need.