Chill out and walk

I often go for a walk, run, ride on my own – It was odd the first few times I did it alone… I rang friends up and talked what probably looked to myself but could hear and talk to people while I walked. I didn’t realise how far or not I was going just because someone else was there or while speaking felt like someone was there.

I didn’t always have the phone or people didn’t answer and walked in thought, thinking what I could write in my blog, thinking of friends and what else I could do. I came to thoughts that I could talk to God – pray – While thinking of friends I could pray for them.

I discovered that prayer – talking to God became something I had time for – I know it sounds bad but its also so true that its often hard to find time for God. When you do you seem to have more time for it all which is odd but nice.

While walking I am getting some exercise done aswell as getting somewhere – I often go to a park, sit, rest in the glory of nature or write, and draw. A time of real freedom where you accept the world around as one large plan of existance and see so much in a motion that doesn’t need to be explained as it just is.