SHH (LPO) – Adventure Playground

I didn’t know what to expect for wednesday, I signed up for the adventure afternoon which actually involved a variety of safety equipment and a lot of ropes/wires up in the air. There was several different levels you could try, starting with a starter session to get used to it, to much higher and longer routes.

We started small, and worked up – we missed out on one level as the queue of people in front of us and we didn’t want to wait. I think the levels were: yellow, green, white, orange, red, gray, black, then black extreme. I was quite comfortable with the levels up to orange and enjoyed orange.

Red was quite terrifying for me, while up there I was wishing I hadn’t started that route. There was a mixture of ropes bridges, zip wires up and down hill, and quite long between. I felt I had a panic attack of sorts, frozen hugging a tree up high but I got through it – people were quite supportive – maybe to help.. maybe so they could try next, either way I was glad for the company.

I’m a little covered in bruises, and scratches and quite tired but overall I was quite pleased I got through it but don’t think I’d be in any hurry to try the red or above levels. Although fun, it was quite terrifying too – I’ve got through and initial scare and thank fully its over for now. I want to try the games again thou so maybe next time.

SHH (LPO) – Wild, Wet Fun…

I woke up late, after midday – I felt cold last night, I don’t seem to rest well when I’m cold. I met for afternoon games which involved water games: water volley ball which envolved water balloons thrown and caught or drenching people.

A lot of fun. Thankfully, the sun was about – very quick to dry until a plastic box full of water got thrown over me and other boxes over others. That took a long time to dry as the weather changed and sun went hiding.

I went to the pool later in the day… I went just to say “hi” but ended up in the pool chatting and well, Supprisingly the water was warm, not hot but comfy. It was apparently 29’C – I dont think it was. The wind was cool, we stayed in the pool until the sun came out – we were waiting a while.

In the evening, the weather changed nasty – heavy rain, followed by lots of heavy rain that was louder than people talking, and music playing – streams appearing outside, and waterfalls off the roof. I was glad I was inside, and very glad I got a rain coat, packed it and brought it with me.

Some wierd games, with silly prizes but it looked entertaining. Night finished around 1.30am when we were encouraged to leave the bar. It was meant to close around 1am, just no one really moved, and drinks were even served after 1am so that was never going to happen. I’ve had a good day all in all, could have done with going to the shops and apparently missed a party while I relaxed. Sorry I missed it, but happy for what i’ve done too.

Time for bed now, I’ve had some valerian Tea to help me sleep (as I slept in so long). Its not worked yet. But probably will soon.