I’m going to have extra time… I could actually rest?

I’m coming to the end of the first year of my university degree and notice of all the extra time I will have available to me and one thing that came to me was “I can eat more tasty and healthy meals again” – I know that sounds quite a sad thought really but for the past 8 months of university my days tend to start at around 8am and me not getting back into the house until about 9 or 10pm due to being at work, or at university.

The thought that I can eat a mixture of stirfry’s with fresh ingredients again. I can bulk buy the chicken from Makro (About 5kg batches for one person is a bulk purchase) and get the fresh ingredients from the local farm. I like getting the ingredients from there, they often have only picked it in the last few days if not few hours. Really fresh stuff and often not as expensive as the supermarkets. I’ve not gotten there recently due to their opening hours mixed with my hectic time table.

As I stare at the calendar and see after the 16th May that my calendar is looking very empty from about 6pm each day, it seems so strange. My plan would be to have around a month off from all uni stuff and then start the reading for next year – we have already been given the plan of classes but no other information yet… and thankfully not really – not got through the exams yet for this year.

I hope to get a lot of projects completed, one I’ve worked on alongside university that is near completion but I’ve so many ideas and I’ve been writing them down and putting them aside as I know that I can not do them all, and if I start now with them, I’ll never get through the uni work I need to do and I plan to pass this degree. I’ve worked hard this year to get this far – I’m not stopping now just 10 days or so before all exams are complete.

So, I’m sure that free/extra time will be filled with something very quickly but its a nice thought to see a break even if it will vanish quickly. Maybe I’ll get fitter, do some gardening, write a book, actually complete reading non uni books, or just see a lot more friends again. I’m looking forward to the change, it should be fun!

It doesn’t get easier… and Thanks Guys and Gals!

This past university year has been a lot of fun. A great challenge and exams are in a couple of weeks. I’ve passed all assignments so far, and am preparing for the 2 remaining exams.

I have made a lot of new friends through classes and especially in the social side. I’ve been involved with the Gym and Trampolining group a lot this year. It’s something I enjoy I’m not very good at it but enjoy it all the same.

I’ve made a lot of new friends in it, and only realised in the last week or so that many of them are leaving as it is their final year. They will be missed, they included me in their many events, celebrations, and group things even though my schedule is quite hectic and made me feel a true part of the group and encouraged me. I am very thankful for them all.

This past evening, we had a mini awards night where we all got an award necklace with macaroni round some elastic and a badge. Mine was for Quietest member, as I am so quiet unless annoyed, angry or ecsyatically happy (or need to do a presentation) – I’ve always been quiet although when I get talking, I do tend to keep talking.

It was a good night, a dinner at Joe Rigatoni’s in Middlesbrough followed by drinks out. With many of us attempting a game or so of pool. I’ve realised its a very bad idea to play pool when you have a bad back. I’ve regretted it for the pain, but did enjoy it at the same time. Not something I should repeat until my back is better. Its been bad now for just over a week, maybe I should see someone about it – Red Tiger Balm seems to relieve it quite well for a while… I’m just running out of it now.

So… It doesn’t get easier – I’ve had friends from university leave now for many years, and although I try to keep in contact with as many as possible, it does not get easier to say goodbye knowing that they won’t be around for those random points of encouragement, and smiles and laughter or the great advice that they can share in just the way you need to hear it. So, guys and gals – you will be missed and Thanks for all you’ve brought into my life 🙂

My thought as of 4am on the 10th January 2001

I do not actually know if these make any sense to whom ever reads this but I type away and see what happens.

A lot seems to have happened over the past few days and maybe it hasn’t but everthing is starting to get sooo confusing – i dno why? I tried talking to friends but they seem not to be available and even if they were i’m sure i wouldn’t know what ot say.

Friends are now trusting me to talk to me with their problems – i like this ‘cos it allows me to get away from my life and dissappear into theirs for a little while. That one of the many reasons why I like talking to friends in America – they have a great way of de-stressing me just by talking to me – i dno why – but I manage to sleep so well after she has spoken to me.

Some of my friends are getting on my nerves hovever my closet friend isn’t which is great. I don’t know what i’m truely thinking when i type i guess this is it ‘cos i’m just typing exactly what i’m thinking and that means i can get things out of my system and try to help me to relax.

I’ve got so much to do and yet so little or so much time to do it. A lot of it i do not want to do, i mean i really dis-like university but believe God has put me there for a reason, A reason I do not actually know as yet. However I feel I have come so much closer to God while here at university. I doubt I would be doing half the stuff I do now with God Stuff as if I had never come to university.

Wow the time is only 4:11am and I feel i have so much more to say. I’m listening to a song by Meja called ‘pop a television’ and the way the sound goes it is so relaxing and so bouncy and yet so good. I do not know why there is so much rythm.

At university I have been to christian camps and joined in with the Christian Union – what am I saying i’m part of the CU committee – what I say actually makes a difference – i think that is so great that i can makes a difference it what is done in the cu. I mean when i first joined i never felt a part of it and now i feel that everyone is important and that everyone can make a difference and really make and impact in what they do. The CU has only got between 30 and 50 members in total but the passion for Jesus is growing and even if the numbers arn’t people are still having a passiong breaking oipertunity.

I hate doing my studies – i find them so boring and yet i guess it should be so exciting but i don’t find any part of my work exciting except that I get to spend time living with other christians.